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Abatement and remediation services you can rely on.

Asbestos abatement

Asbestos refers to six naturally occurring silicate minerals composed of long and thin fibrous crystals. Each fiber in these crystals is made up of many microscopic fibrils.

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About asbestos

Asbestos refers to six naturally occurring silicate minerals composed of long and thin fibrous crystals. Each fiber in these crystals is made up of many microscopic fibrils. Asbestos is a building material that has been banned in Canada since 1984 as a result of research that showed the serious danger it posed during exposures. While new buildings likely were not constructed with asbestos, it has been found in older structures.

The proper and professional abatement of asbestos is critical because this material is extremely temperamental. When asbestos is disturbed, either by abrasion or other processes, asbestos fibers can be released into the air, so it is important that a professional team performs the abatement service. Viera Integrated Projects (VIP) staff has been involved in the asbestos abatement industry for almost 20 years, and we provide a service that is certified, expedient and thorough.

Trusted asbestos removal services

Each of our team members is fully qualified, certified and experienced in the removal of asbestos according to O.Reg.278/05. We work diligently according to asbestos removal laws and parameters for all types including Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 classifications.

How it works

  • VIP works collaboratively with you throughout the process.
  • At the start of the project, we isolate and seal the area.
  • All asbestos and contaminated materials are safely removed.
  • Everything we remove is sealed, labelled and taken off your premises to designated waste disposal sites, in accordance with MOE regulation .347/90 and O.Reg.278/05 procedures.